Friday, March 29, 2013

Threats to marine bio diversity

Oceans cover over about 70% of the earth surface. Therefore the majority of world’s biodiversity claims to the ocean. Also marine ecosystems play an important role in good and service supply. Human food security highly depends upon the marine ecosystems, because a large portion of human protein requirement is supplied by the oceans.
All the continents are linked by the oceans. All terrestrial inputs are finally gathered to the oceans via the river out puts. If any problem will occur in any oceanic area, impact directly or indirectly to other areas. Therefore “the threats to marine biodiversity” is a topic should be concerned and discussed internationally.  
Over fishing is a one of major problems in the oceans. As a result of unsustainable fishery world fish stock has depleted. Not only fish but also other marine species including invertebrates and mammals are threatened by unnecessary fishing methods. This is affecting to reduce the marine biodiversity as well as world food security. Some species are already extinct and some are going to extinct since the over exploitation.
Another threat is habitat degradation. Utilization of unnecessary fishing gears is a reason for that.  Usage of dynamite to catching fish, coral mining, destroying the mangrove lands are also caused to that. Drilling the ocean bottom to crude oil is another reason. As result of the habitat degradation, migration patterns of the migrant species such as turtle can be changed or disturbed. Also the breeding and hatchery lands can be destroyed and it may cause to break their reproduction. When someone’s native habitat is damaged, it has to adopt for a new habitat. But it is not an easy task. Sometimes it may be able to survive or has to be extinct from the environment.
With the industrial development and the population increase, lots of pollution agents are released in to the environment. Polythene and plastic are great threat to the environment. Also lot of chemicals and heavy metals are released from the industrial waste outputs. Pesticides, weadicides and insecticides are highly used in agriculture. All of these pollutants finally added to the oceans. Some of them are toxic.  They are concentrated via the food chains (bioaccumulation).  Some are caused to destroy the habitats. Addition of the swages and garbage in to the oceans is another problem. It causes to eutrophication. Also it is damage to the corals because it provides more organic nutrients while corals prefer nutrient poor water. Oceanic oil splits is another risk.
As a result of the anthropogenic activities the world climate has changed. Ozone depletion, greenhouse effect and global warming are the major current issues. It causes to melt the glaziers, and to increase the sea level. Coral bleaching, hatchery disturbances, sex transferring can be occurred with the increase of the sea temperature. It also affects to the oceanic current systems and the survival of the ecosystems.
Invasive species is another threat. Introduction of alien species can be occurred with or without human impact. Some organisms such as mollusks attach with the marine transport vessels and travel from ocean to ocean. Then they can inhabit to new oceanic environments. Not only macro organisms but also micro organisms can become invasive species. Invasive species can be predators or parasites. Also they may spread diseases. As a result of invasive species inter specific competition can be occurred. Hybridization is another result. It causes to damage the gene diversity.
Marine biodiversity needs our help to overcome these threats. Conservation plans should be established to protect the marine biodiversity. There is a less knowledge about marine and coastal conservation in publics. So awareness programmes should be launched. Also there is a lack of human resource in marine conservation sector. Therefore the academic programmes should be improved and students should be encouraged and motivated.
These threats can be reduce via the well planned short term and long term policies. Introducing the policies to the sectors such as tourism, fishery industry, other coastal industries, coastal residence, transport, and out loading of swages and garbage is very important. Governments and other responsible institutions and organizations must directly mediate to that. Sustainable utilization of marine recourses and reduce the ocean pollution is the best solution. Continuous monitoring, evaluating and treating processes are important. 
Oceanic problems not only belong to one country. Therefore international policies should be established. Whole world should get-together to solve that problem.  That is problem which can’t solve only by lows and legislations. Everyone should make a self change in attitudes about conservation of marine biodiversity.
We should get hand in hand to protect marine biodiversity because that is our responsibility to serve the Mother Nature. So let’s get aware and identify the threats and take correct actions as soon as possible to avoid the threats since “prevention is better than cure”.            

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